Privacy Policy

We are Source Models (UK) Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 4996243 and our registered office is Burlington House, Burlington Arcade, Bournemouth, BH1 2HZ.

We have registered with the ICO as a Data Controller.

We are committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy policy is to inform you when and why we collect your personal data, how we use it and how we keep it secure. 

Please read this policy carefully alongside any applicable Terms & Conditions.

Source Models cares about your privacy. For this reason, we collect and use personal data only as it might be needed for us to deliver to you our products and services, (collectively, our 'Services').

Generally, we collect your personal data when you interact with us (for example, when entering into a relationship with us as Model / Artist or Client and may include:

For Models and Prospective Models:

What we collect: 

We may also process sensitive personal data such as health details, medical details, your gender and racial origin.

Children under the age of 16 require parental consent to give their personal data to Source Models. If you are under 16 you will require parental consent and if you are the parent / guardian of someone under 16 who wishes to be represented by Source Models you will have to give consent on their behalf. 

Your personal data will be collected from various sources including: 

Your personal data may be used for the following purposes: 

Photographs and images of you, and your name, employment history, education, and reviews and feedback relating to your ability as Talent, may be used in our marketing and promotional material including our Website and pitches to Clients

For Clients and Prospective Clients:

What we collect:

Your personal data will be collected from various sources including: 

Your personal data may be used for the following purposes: 


We shall not keep your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.  


Information security is a key element of data protection. We take appropriate measures to secure personal data and protect it from loss or unauthorised disclosure or damage. We have put in place suitable physical, technical and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. 

How you can access, update or delete your data:

We will ensure we keep all personal data up to date and shall immediately and permanently delete any personal data which is not necessary for the purpose. To access, update or otherwise take control of your personal data that we process or If at any time you have questions about our practices or any of your rights described below, you may contact us on

Third Party Processing:

Our work with you may require that we pass your information on to our service providers and for the purpose of delivering our services to you. When we enter into an engagement with with a third party we will seek to be satisfied that they are compliant with necessary regulations and that they have secure measures in place. We only share information when necessary to deliver our services to you.

Changes in our Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes to this Privacy Policy and any other places we deem appropriate, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on our home page.

Contact us:

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our Privacy Policy, our practices or our Services, you may contact us by email at As an alternative, you may contact us by telephone on 01202 510088.